Antiquarian Books


Below is a list of antiquarian books with a description of their condition.  Because of the high value of these books, we ask that you order them by Cashier's Check or U.S. Postal Service Money Order made payable to Patricia Burton & Associates.  Please e-mail us to get the shipping costs and insurance costs, and to verify that we still have the book(s), before sending your check.
Patricia Burton & Associates

Disclaimer:  All books are subject to prior sale.  Some listed titles may not be available at time of shipment.

Title: David Copperfield
Author: Charles Dickens
Publisher: Dodd, Mead and Company, New York
Printed: 1926
Condition: Hardbound.  Dark blue hardboard with gold imprint and colored illustration on cover.
Contains 16 colored illustrations by Gertrude Demain Hammond.  850 pages.
Price: $1,100.00 

Title: Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie
Author: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Publisher: James R. Osgood and Company, Boston
Printed: 1875
Condition: Hardbound.  Dark green hardboard with gold imprint.  Size: 32mo, 4 3/4-inches tall.  First edition.  Illustrated.  96 pages.
Price: $1,100.00 

Title: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Author: Robert Lewis Stevenson
Publisher: Little Leather Library Corporation, New York
Printed: No publishing date, however these books were published from the early 1920s to mid-1924
Condition: Immitation embossed leather cover.  Logo on back with "Redcroft Edition".  Title page loose.  Size: 48mo, 3 7/8-inches tall.  120 pages.
Price: $40.00 

Title: The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer; being A Complete System of Occult Philosophy.
Author: Francis Barrett
Printed: 1801
Condition: Hardbound.  Dark-red hardboard with gold imprint, marbled papers inside cover.  Appears to have been rebound.  First edition.
Illustrated with watercolored ink drawings. 384 pages.
Price: $2,500.00 

Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Lewis Carroll
Publisher: Lee and Shepard, Boston
Printed: 1871
Condition: Hardbound.  Green hardboard with gold imprint.  Size: 12mo (Duodecimo), 7 3/8-inches tall.
Writing in front papers dated Christmas 1871.  42 illustrations by John Tenniel.
Price: $2,500.00 

Title: The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier
Author: John Greenleaf Whittier
Publisher: Houghton, Osgood and Company, Boston
Printed: 1879
Condition: Hardbound, but front and back covers missing.  Only the spine which is leather with gold imprint remains.  Size: 16mo (Sextodecimo), 6 1/2-inches tall.  Writing in front papers dated November 24, 1880.  Illustrated with engravings with tissue separating each plate.  505 pages.
Price: $4.00 

Title: Mopsa the Fairy
Author: Jean Ingelow
Publisher: Roberts Brothers, Boston
Printed: 1869
Condition: Hardbound. Very good.  Green hardboard with gold imprint.  Size: 16mo (Sextodecimo), 6 3/4-inches tall.  First edition.
Writing in front papers dated October 7, 1869.  Illustrated with engravings. 244 pages.
Price: $1,100.00 

Title: The Spirits' Book - Containing the Principles of Spiritist Doctrine on the Immortality of the Soul; The Nature of Spirits and Their Relations with Men; The Moral Law; The Present Life, The Future Life, and The Destiny of the Human Race, according to the Teachings of Spirits of High Degree, Transmitted Through Various Mediums.
Author: Allan Kardec
Publisher: Colby and Rich, Boston
Printed: 1875
Condition: Hardbound. Very good. Dark-red hardboard with gold imprint in spine.  First edition.
Frontisepiece has engraving of the author with protecting tissue between it and the title page.  438 pages.
Price: $75.00
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